For the safest, most reliable delivery, you can trust DeSousa Oil and Service Corp., because we deliver!!
We are always ready to answer any questions you might have. We will help you set up your propane delivery options so that you never have to worry about running out of fuel, even in the depths of the winter months.
We put your comfort and safety first, ensuring that you have the fuel that you need to keep your family comfortable and cozy all year-round. We ensure that our fleet of trucks is maintained to the highest standards and our drivers are on the road all year in any kind of weather to make sure you get the propane you need when you need it most.
Propane delivery prices can be predictable and easy to manage, too. We offer an Autopay option, so you can authorize automatic payments from your debit or credit card account, that way you have the comfort in knowing that your bill is paid.
Experience the difference! Whenever you need propane delivered to your home, you can rely on our team to always be there for you. Our delivery staff works incredibly hard to ensure you have a dependable supply. Become a part of the DeSousa Oil and Service Corp. family today!!